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What's your magic number?

I used to believe that it took 21 days to form a habit. But it hasn't always worked for me!


Trying to find answers in Pathanjali's Yoga Sutra, he says in sutra 1:14

sa that tu verily, definitely dīrgha long kāla time nairantarya continuously, without any interruption satkāra respect āsevita fully attended, completely served dṛḍha firm, strong, unshakeable, bhūmiḥ ground


Meaning - Perfection in practice comes when one continues to practice with sincerity and respect for a long period of time without any interruption.


Perfection in practice depends on the three main elements described in this sutra. First, you have to practice for a long period of time; second, your practice must not be interrupted—you must do it regularly; and third, you must do your practice with sincerity and respect.


But how long is very long?


According to Dr. Caroline Leaf, it takes around 63 days to form a new habit, meaning that consistently practicing a new behavior for roughly two months is needed to solidify it as a regular part of your routine. This timeframe is based on the idea that the brain needs time to create new neural pathways associated with the new habit, which takes repeated practice to strengthen.


Wishing you in this New Year that when it comes to prioritizing your health, there will be 0 excuses!

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