Plants as living organisms protect themselves from predators, e.g. insects by producing a protein called lectin. Lectin is found in many foods we consume regularly, such as wheat, corn, and some vegetables. Our bodies have evolved to fight the effects of lectins in the following ways:
• Mucus
• Stomach acid
• Bacteria in our gut microbiome
But, our bodies have not evolved to consume the lectins in grasses and beans.
When lectins enter our digestive system they bind with the sugar molecules in our gut lining. The lectins then make their way through the gut wall, leading to a leaky gut, and allowing pathogens and toxins into our bloodstream.
In Ayurveda, Nidana refers to the factors that cause dis-ease. The first remedy is to remove that causative factor. Lectin could be a causative factor and the only way to find out is by eliminating it!
If detoxing is on your To-Do list try a lectin-free diet!You can start by avoiding these foods :Wheat, Oats, Rye, Barley, Quinoa (unless soaked, fermented and cooked!),Corn, Nightshade vegetables (potatoes, eggplant, peppers, goji berries, tomatoes)and unripened fruit.

Here's to your Health!